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InsuResilience Fund | Support for Climate Risk Insurance products


Climate resilience | Agriculture | Insurance


Climate resilience | Agriculture | Insurance


February 7, 2024


Co-funding (with financial or in-kind matching funds)


Up to €2.5 million


Startups | NGOs

InsuResilience Fund | Support for Climate Risk Insurance products


Global South


The ISF supports the development, improvement and scale-up of innovative and sustainable climate risk insurance products in countries of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe eligible to receive official development assistance (ODA) and vulnerable to extreme weather events with grand-based co-funding of up to EUR 2.5m to improve the resilience of households living on less than USD 15.00 Purchasing Power Parity per capita per day.

ISF strives to support further innovation and will prioritize proposals for climate risk insurance solutions in non-agricultural sectors fulfilling the ISF eligibility criteria.

  • You want to develop, improve and/or scale up an INSURANCE PRODUCT in order to increase the resilience of vulnerable people to climate change.

  • Your insurance product directly covers at least: flood, wind / storm, excess rain, drought / heat waves, cold spells (possibly in combination with other non-climatic perils). Examples: Nat Cat, business interruption, property or agricultural insurance

  • In case of an agri insurance product, please note that at least two out of the three FAO criteria have to be fulfilled, while maintaining or promoting biodiversity. For further information and examples, please see here

  • Your insurance product benefits VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLDS with less than USD 15 PPP per capita per day (either directly or indirectly).

  • Your product/project will be implemented in a country eligible to receive official development assistance (ODA).

  • Your funding request does not exceed EUR 2.5m. The grant-based co-funding of up to EUR 2.5m does not include your own contribution.

  • Your Project Partners contribute with OWN CONTRIBUTION at least matching the requested funding volume (either in-kind and / or financially). Hence, the formula is as follows: ISF grant + own contribution = total project costs.

For more information & application, click here.

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